Higher Secondary Physics Lab Practical Notes


 Higher Secondary Physics Lab Practical Notes 

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Higher Secondary Physics Practical Log Book
1.  The aim, principle, procedure, tabular column of each experiment must be entered in to log book.
2.The second year students appearing for Practical board exam, should submit the log book certified by the teacher. 

First Year(Plus One) Physics Lab 

Common Balance
Helical Spring Load Extension 
Helical Spring Oscillation
Moment Bar 
Newtons Law of Cooling Parallelogram-Relative Density 
Parallelogram-Weight of the body
Resonance Column-Comparison of frequencies
Resonance Column-velocity of sound 
Screw Gauge 
Simple Pendulum 
Sonometer-unknown frequencies 
Sonometer-unknown mass 

Second Year(Plus Two) Physics  

Concave Lens 
Concave Mirror 
Convex Lens 
Forward Diode Characteristics 
Liquid Lens 
Metre Bridge-Comparison of Resistors 
Metre Bridge-Resistivity 
Ohms Law-Resistivity 
Ohms Law-Combination of resistances 
Potentiometer-Comparison of emf 
Potentiometer-internal resistance 
Refraction through a Prism 
Refractive Index-Glass Slab
Zener Diode

Higher Secondary Physics Lab Practical Notes Higher Secondary Physics Lab Practical Notes Reviewed by Quote_Maniac on March 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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